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HeroFit Podcast

Thanks for visiting our Libsyn page! This is where we host the podcast. We love to talk fitness and nutrition, so check out our episodes and then join in on the conversation via social media, email, and more.

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Feb 27, 2019

In this episode we sit down with Anna Alvarado, a certified personal trainer and Precision Nutrition certified nutritional consultant, after she put Dan through an initial training assessment. Aside from the physical aspect of training and how the body works we get into the psychology of fitness and diet. 

You can...

Feb 25, 2019

Nick and Dan's Full Interview with Britannia Leo. Discussing everything from Spinning Classes to new ventures, and all that's in-between.

Take a listen!

Feb 16, 2019

We recently took Britannia Leo (co-owner of BikeOrBar spin studio in Buffalo NY) up on her offer to take a spinning class she hosts. In this episode we start by discussing our impressions of spinning before the class. We then meet Brit and learn about her journey (from entering the world of spinning to becoming a...